Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Fabric Mall

I went with Ruthu, Lakshmi, and Ruthu's mom to a narrow, crowded street that is full of fabric stores - kind of like a fabric mall. Many people opt to buy material for a sari (cloth wrapped around the body) and lehenga (skirt & top set) and have them custom made, especially since it's so cheap. The materials are beautiful, and the options overwhelming. I bought two fabrics, one suede-like moss green one for a skirt and another burgundy and gold one for a pillowcase.

I've been wearing western clothing, and haven't gotten any strange looks or remarks. I'm white, so strangers are going to stare no matter what. But I did buy a top from Fab India and an Indian-style skirt from Globus, two popular local stores. In the office, there's a wide range of attire, with most women wearing pants and a kurti (like a tunic, usually embroidered) and men wearing khakis & button-down shirts or jeans and t-shirts.

One thing that you notice in India is all the wonderful color that people wear. It's rare to see Indian clothing in a color like black, gray or white. This means that half of the limited supply of clothing I brought makes me stand out even more as a foreigner. Note for next time. The array of bold, bright colors is certainly something to appreciate while I can.

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